Thursday, March 22, 2007

My Birthday Wish List.......

Happy Birthday to me!!
That is right my 34th Birthday is coming up this Sunday and I am so ready to get it over with! :-)
So what are you getting me for my B Day?
Well I do like gift cards.

Below is a list of Gift Cards I want!! :-)

Wehrenberg Theatres

Sports Authority

Best Buy


Southwest Airlines

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Bears Gone Wild!!!

Bear Draq Queen???

WOW. Well I would have never thought of this but after reading Joe My God's Blog my mouth hit my desk. Azis is a Bulgarian bear, drag queen, pop singer, politician and was recently voted by his countrymen as the 2nd greatest living Bulgarian and 21st greatest of all time. So when I click on the video I about fell out of my chair. All these HOT HOT HOT Bears and BB's! One word. WOOF!!!!! This is a very homo erotic video. Well all I can say is YOU GO AZIS!! Oh and below is the video!!

Friday, March 9, 2007

Will Summer ever get here??

GOD!! I am so ready for summer. I am ready to get out of the house and play softball, and ride around town with my windows down on my truck. Winter SUCKS and thank god it is almost over. Hope that all of you are ready for the beach!!