Do you have a best friend or a travel buddy? Well me and my partner are lucky that I have 2. Sam and Paul. They have been my friend for 3 years now and looking forward to knowing them a lot longer. We have traveled to Puerto Rico, Hawaii, and Orlando, FL so far. Oh and by the way Paul...Next time we go to Puerto Rico don't forget to not park the car in the wrong place or you might have to have some explaining to do!!! :-) Oh and Sam be ready for the next photo shoot when we travel!!
Me and my partner Tom!! Isn't he a cutie????

We also have a couple of new friends that we met this past year and hung out with while we were at Bear Bust in Orlando, FL. Here is a picture of all of us.
Pete on the far left in front of the sign and David on the right in front of the sign. They are great guys and we had a BLAST hanging out with them.
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